Something changed in the last year. My first thought is that I stopped shooting panoramas. That is not quite true, but it feels that way. I really like shooting panos but not every subject lends itself to this interpretation. I have shot a few panos this year; some worked out while others did not. I have decided that I miss doing panos and need to find a way to do more of them. One of the issues is that I am shooting a lot of HDR (High Dynamic Range) this year. Shooting panos in HDR and assembling the resulting photograph is more complex than shooting straight panos and I have had to overcome some technical issues.
Last weekend I was shooting old cars with friends Tony, Alan, Greg and Ed. Tony was showing us a pano on his iPhone he had shot the previous day. Besides being a really cool shot, I noticed it was in HDR. A few technical questions later and I decided I have give HDR another try.
The Blog photo above was shot about this time last year. It is the interior of an old dairy barn. The shot consists of 12 vertical shots, with 9 exposures for each vertical shot. I shot the scene with a 28mm f2.8 lens. While shot and processed in color, I think the black and white treatment is a better fit. I also use a Really Right Stuff Nodal Plate and Pano Clamp when shooting panos. I know there is some debate about the need for a nodal plate these days. While CS3 and other software packages have become very good at stitching panos, I have found that using a nodal plate gives me consistent results and is worth the time and trouble.