Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tried and True

Last weekend Greg Daily and I spent the day scouting the countryside. This little adventure also took us close to an old favorite, a place I like to call the “Car Farm”. With an hour or so of good light remaining we suited up for the snow. Several days had passed since the snow fell, so there were lots of animal tracks on the snow. Considering this I decided to focus a bit more on details and I stumbled on the situation shown above. The snow had started to slide off the roof of the car and was interesting to see. Shooting this straight on did not provide much of a picture. However, positioning my camera against the car window and under the sheet of snow provided a much more interesting viewpoint and hopefully a more dramatic photograph.

1 comment:

BillG said...

Great shot Don!

I really love the reflection and in particular the PP.

