Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New HDR Tool

Tonight I was working on my images from the Smokies. I decided to try combining my HDR sets with a new software tool, Essential HDR. I had seen a brief comment about the program in one of the photography magazines. The selling point was that it rendered a more natural look than Photomatix. I decided to go ahead and give it a try. As a result, I agree that Essential HDR has a slight edge in regard to processing a natural looking HDR file.

Then I stumbled on something I like even better!!! In the past when combining images with moving water, I often ended up with some artifacts that needed to be cleaned up in Photoshop. I combined several sets with moving water and each time Essential HDR did a perfect compilation with no noticeable artifacts.

I think the program is worth a try. The only downside is the program is PC only. This is sure to disappoint my friends with Macs.


Ts said...

not disappointed, Don! Actually glad that I can save some time by NOT looking into it!

Unknown said...

Afterall your 19 hour days are pretty full as it is :-)